Monday, August 11, 2008

August 2008 Spending Log

August 2008 Monthly Totals

Gasoline - $50.02
Grocery & Household Needs - $161.28 - ran out of cat food & bread
Fast Food - $44.23
Clothing - $5.00
Misc - $83 - 10 local newspapers (25cents each) b/cuz my daughter's picture is in it for her birthday tomorrow, & 1.99 for shipping on a Kraft Singles Saver Offer that gets me a "Saver" to store my cheese slices in.
School Lunch - $30
School Misc -
Medical - $37.78
Coupon sources - $14 - 4 big newspapers this weekend
Total - $425.31
Available ECBs/RRs - $12.50/0
Saved this month- $210.93


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