Saturday, August 9, 2008

Fast Food

I had no idea I was spending that much on fast food! In my defense (lol) I have went shopping on more days than I usually do. But I know that is just unacceptable.

I have always got fast food for me & the kids after grocery shopping. It's always cheap (think dollar menu) and a good treat for every once in a while. But that was when grocery shopping was one day a week.

I will have to figure something out.

Whether it be take food with us, or shopping at a different time of the day. I know I can't hit all the stores I want in one single day ... hmmm....

I will figure it out and Conquer this Fast Food Dilemma!!!


This has to be one of the hardest parts of this whole "save money" crap. I am a fast food junkie! I love the stuff. So it's been difficult for me to give that up. But I've done well. We've only eaten out once in the last two weeks.

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